Set The Trumpet To Thy Mouth

A book Review of Set the trumpet to thy mouth

David Wilkerson author of the "cross and the switchblade" has written a nonfiction book as an alarm sounding to a sleeping church. He was an international speaker, teacher, watchman, and founding pastor of World Challenge Ministry. Before September 112001, before hurricane Katrina, Set the Trumpet to thy mouth was a call to repentance for the church at large.

Title: Set the Trumpet to thy mouth: Hosea 8:1

Author: David Wilkerson

Chapters/Pages:  Seven chapters; 170 pages

Publisher: World Challenge Inc. 1985

Where to purchase this book 

Welcome to this book review of one of David Wilkerson's end of days prophetic books. As far as I know Brother Wilkerson only has written two. Set the Trumpet to thy mouth based on Hosea 8:1 and a soon up coming review of his second book The Vision
This book is less prophetic. It is a wake up call to the church. Drawing from his dream from the vision and from words from the Holy Spirit, during his prayer and study time.

The first thing that stood out to me was that the introduction was written by one of my favorite authors Leonard Ravenhill. This really shouldn't have been a big surprise since David and Leonard were good friends. The introduction is perhaps one of the best that I have read from Ravenhill, he must have really liked the message between the pages. 
Since this book is no longer published and is hard to find I m going to insert an couple of images from the introduction by Leonard Ravenhill. This way you can read at least that much without spending a fortune for an old paper back book.

As you can see from the table of contents this book (below) is not a fluff book. The contents will challenge most devout followers. This little book is a barn burner. 
I have had the pleasure of reading this book more than a handful of times and have filled a subject notebook with handwritten notes with news headlines when events from this book comes to pass.

Chapter one the destruction of America, fortunately has not come to pass... Yet. I do believe though that the events happening right now could be leading up to the destruction of this great Nation.   David Wilkerson believes that the U.S. will be the first nation to be judged simply because this nation has had the light of the gospel and as salt delivered the truth of Christ to all of the world. 

The church by large, is the sanctuary of our worship for millions of Americans. Before Covid came across the waters from Wuhan China, this was the norm, forsaking not the gathering together of the saints. Every American and the world has become shut in's and maybe watching Church from youtube. 
  Wilkerson talks about the dangers of secular television stealing the family devotional time with perverse content that is not only against God but the nuclear family unit. Not to mention he does talk about the dangers of watching televangelists instead of going to church. 

He also goes on about the horrible things that have infiltrated Gods house. Things such as adultery, fornication, and divorce. 
  One part of this book that I loved about is in chapter three "My people have set themselves up idols." In it he has a list of thirty one scriptural reasons why overcoming Christians should remove the idol of television from their homes.
  This may sound  a little like legalism but Wilkerson points out Jesus himself told us to be in the world but not part of it. So the thirty one points mentioned above can be applied to not only to television but social media as well.


This is going to be a hard book for many. Not that it is hard to read but that it is going to challenge what you believe. This book was published in 1985 before the internet was ever invented.If you ever get a chance to read this book all you have to do is change when it comes to the television is add internet and social media to the equation. This book was intended for evangelical Christians and the church as clear Trumpet warning from one of Gods servants and Watchman on the tower to the sleeping church of things that will soon take place and is taking place today.  

If you ever wandered about some of today's prophets, chapter six "Pillow Prophets" will open your eyes to the reality of today. These so called profits look and sound like those from the physic network from the era when this book was written. In this chapter Wilkerson gives you three traits of a true prophet. This the churches road map to help discern biblically the difference between true prophets of God and false prophets. 

Just for fun here is another photo of this reviewer with Set the trumpet to thy mouth this is my affiliate link and I may receive a commission if you click on and buy this book.

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