
Trust & Obey

  What does it mean to Trust & Obey? I like to think of faith as trust and obey, aside from the usual answer that you will get from the book of Hebrews 1:1   Now faith is the substance of things hoped for , the evidence of things not seen. Which is the definition of faith? I don't know if your Church uses hymnals or not but there is a simple song titled "Trust & Obey" that expresses something very fundamental about Faith. The chorus goes like this: Trust and Obey, for there's no other way To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. Trust and obey music sheet A wise old writer, once wrote, two wings of a dove, don't weigh her down. She rises by means of them. The two wings of a Christian are Trust & Obey. The Christian obeys because we trust, and trust because we obey. Faith, Trust & Obey If we obey without faith we get nowhere. If we trust or have faith without obedience it...

Best recipes for the slow cooker

  The slow cooker or also known as the "Crock Pot(R)" which shouldn't be interchanged but commonly does. The Crock Pot is a brand name of slow cooker that was first introduced in 1970 as a no-nonsense way for cooking beans. That's just a little known fact. Slow cookers are  basically a ceramic pot which gets heated by electric elements shrouded inside of a thin metallic body. Slow cookers are the most under appreciated work horses in the home kitchen today. Recently I purchased a cookbook on Amazon titled "5 ingredients Crock Pot Cookbook," by Laura Sandlin. Her cook book of recipes have no images of the food which is for many will be a turn off. For the experienced home cook it could be a plus, simply because the home cook can take images of their food at any stage of the cooking process.  Great for showing your friends past recipes.   I have at this point only cook one simple recipe from the book. It is called the  "bacon eggs," but I...

The Two-Fold Organizer and Bible Cover

 Looking to get a good two-fold Organizer and bible cover? Then you are in the right place at the right time. Click the link and discover what is could be a game changer as far as saving time, and protecting your bible as one of the best investments in your near future. This review will cover one of the best bible organizers and covers I have used.     Hey, there, Hi there, Hello there William here. I am going to review a bible cover and organizer that I have been using for a year now, at the time of this writing, with my Disciples Study Bible (link to my Bible review.) Below is my affiliate link from Christian books.   What's Special About This Particular Bible Cover? Two-Fold Organizer LuxLeather, Black, XL By Christian Art Gifts Two-fold LuxLeather Bible cover organizer in black with metal Ichthus fish emblem. Features: Two zippered sections with cross zipper pulls. Interior card slots. Zippered mesh pocket. Five pen loops. Notepad and pen included. E...

37 U.S. Citizens Held Captive_Suffering

   I only published this on my blog because when I tried to post it on FaceBook it wouldn't let me. So I decided to post it  here and share it to my wall. Meta-Facebook is becoming unreal these days.  U.S. Citizens Held Captive and Suffering These United State men and women have been lock up for the last 10 months. In that time frame they have felt forgotten and hopeless, virtually no medical care, very poor food quality, and they are being put through re-education which most are rejecting. This isn't happening in China or other third world countries. This is happening right here in the good old U.S.A. with the January 6th prisoners. Most are only charged with trespassing on Government TAX-PAYER Property. If WE do not stand up for our neighbors now, then they will come for the rest of us. This goes against everything our Constitution stands for! This goes against everything our Legal justice system stands for! This goes against everything I stand for! Does this go...

Jesus Unleashed: Reviewed

  Jesus Unleashed, is not a Christian living book helping the reader break free from sin, the flesh & the devil.  Much like the confrontations the author has had with the City of Los Angeles and the state of California, over the closing of churches and mask wearing in public worship  from the start of Covid mandating. Jesus Christ had his share of confrontations with the Pharisees’ of his day. Did you know when Jesus healed on the Sabbath his action broke  Moses law? Why were the religious leaders of his day always present when Jesus healed the sick, opened blind eyes, and raised the dead? In John MacArthur s latest book "Jesus Unleashed" you will quickly discover why Jesus gave five woe’s to the Pharisees, Why would Jesus purposefully provoke strife rather than trying to make peace with these religious leaders?   Was Jesus really meek and mild? Come on in and let’s dive in a little further read more…   Jesus Unleashed: A new vision of t...